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“Join the Buildwill Points Partnership System to boost sales, enhance customer benefits and empower lives together both now and beyond!”
Our mission is to create a powerful partnership network that uplifts businesses and supports communities. We invite stores and business owners to join us in a collaborative journey to increase sales, enhance customer benefits and reward loyalty. Through our points system program, customers gain more than just rewards—they gain access to meaningful support. Together, we provide job placement assistance, birthday and health emergency financial support, and compassionate aid during times of loss. Buildwill Points Partnership System is dedicated to building a network where every transaction strengthens our community, empowering both businesses and customers alike.”

Unity Points System from different stores and service providers.
- The Unity of Points System in a collaborative network like Buildwill Points System allows various stores and service providers to unify their loyalty programs under one rewarding ecosystem using many sharing formulas and fair to all policy and applies the biblical principle in Matthew 7:2 states that “The measure you use it will be measured to you”. This system enables customers to earn and redeem points across multiple participating businesses, enhancing convenience and value for every purchase. By pooling points across different stores, customers enjoy greater flexibility and incentives, which boosts their loyalty to the entire network, not just a single business.
- For businesses, this unity expands their reach and appeal. Partner stores benefit from increased traffic as customers are drawn to the variety of options available for earning and using points. Additionally, the system creates a unique value proposition by offering customers not only traditional rewards but also personalized support—like job assistance, emergency health funds and bereavement support. This approach builds a strong community of businesses and customers, promoting sales growth and customer retention while fostering a culture of care and collaboration.
Partner Schools, review centers, training centers and other learning institutions wherein there will be agreements to all its students and trainee that they can get all their tuition fees back, but they have to work for it. Their job and rate will depend on their profession, skill, experience, locations, etc. Either part time job or full time job. In Education, we will share a Unique God Given Learning Technique that any student can learn complex subjects (example the 15 complex equations P,V,T and n relation of 5 Ideal Gas Processes in Thermodynamics) which will enable them to learn and master it on one to three hours then recall them in two minutes! We shorten the time of learning, increase the time of the application and give rewards (points system benefits). We will support ideas and inventions to solve major problems such as poverty, ignorance, global warming, pollution and future sea level rise! We need to educate, support and reward this generation to the best we can!
Carbon Emission Reduction Technology
Partners companies with products that helps reduce carbon and other dangerous gas emissions up to 90% such as HGL (High Grade Lubricant). We need to help prevent the future see level rise because studies of experts says that it would be 2 meters (6.6 feet) or more by 2100. Rising sea levels of this magnitude could have severe consequences including increased coastal flooding, erosion and salinization of freshwater supplies, flooding of many farms and livestock that produce food for humanity. The better life of the future generations depends on this present generation. We have to give our best in order this disaster will not going to happen. We need to pray and ask God to help us and support on another for a solution. We should not stop thinking and act for better ways to solve this threat to humanity!
Flood Prevention Technology
Partner companies such as TESLAB ARC have products that are readily available. These are rain collectors, inflatable tanks, precast materials made from plastic waste to create dams from small scale to medium scale to collect water during rainy season to prevent massive flooding at the same time it will be used for irrigation for forestry, farming, livestock, upland fishponds, etc. during summer or dry season. We will support one another discover the integrated farming techniques and the creation of floating farms, house, community, power plants, etc.
Organic and Integrated Farming Technology
We Partners with farmers, landowners, inventor of organic fertilizers, investors, marketers, programmers and delivery companies to implement this technology and bring the product direct to consumers. We give points to the consumer who purchase the product, to the farmers, all workers and investors to make this system work. Its important to use organic farming techniques because inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals are degrading the quality of soil, it is the number one cause of diseases.
Blogging & Social Media Partner
We invite individuals to partner with us. Our goal is at least one partner every barangay level in the Philippines and one per town or city to other countries. We will create channels on social media platforms to promote our advocacy and point system partnership program and promote our product and services.
Security Solutions
We invite companies to get the service of RL Armoured Rocks Security Agency in your company because they support every guard you get from them; they have one person enrolled in one of our livelihood training programs of less fortunate families recommended and guided by Buklod Pamilya Incorporated who help the Drug Surrenderers Moral and Financial Recovery Program.
First Product: Unlock the Code of Mastery
We will share a Unique God Given Learning Technique that any student can learn complex subjects (example the 15 complex equations P,V,T and n relation of 5 Ideal Gas Processes in Thermodynamics) which will enable them to learn and master it on one to three hours then recall them in 2 minutes! For Engineering Students, we have in our collection of 20,000 practice problems and we are ready to share it to students who will avail this tutorial services. The we will teach you how to apply in your subject and your profession.
Second Product: High Grade Lubricant (HGL)
High Grade Lubricant is an innovation scientifically blended motors engine oil treatment to boost the power of performance to maximum level and to give protection from friction. It has a special formulation of additives to improve the viscosity of the oil. It also restores and prolongs the viscosity of the used oil. HGL dissolves the solid carbon and bring it back to original state as it has the power to prevent your oil from carbonizing.
It help reduce your fuel consumption by 22.5% to 50%, reduce the friction between moving parts thus extends its economic life up to 300%, reduce dark smoke and other air pollutants up to 85%, reduce waste oil up to 90 %, etc.

Third Product: wall paintings, wall clocks, boat, floor tiles, plyboard
that are fire proof, water proof and long lasting made from plastic waste TESLABARC Inc.
“Together we build and together we reach our dreams of better life without leaving anyone behind both now and beyond”
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